The Great Australian Dream
To help grow the NSW economy and more people achieve the great Australian dream the NSW Government is considering a once in a generation change of giving home buyers the choice to pay either stamp duty and land tax (where applicable) or a new smaller annual property tax.

The HomeBuilder Grant
Once you’ve tried working with a design-build company, you’ll never want to go the traditional design-bid-build route again. You will no longer want design and construction services split into separate companies with separate contracts.

I want to renovate my house – where do I start?
Once you’ve tried working with a design-build company, you’ll never want to go the traditional design-bid-build route again. You will no longer want design and construction services split into separate companies with separate contracts.

4 Home Additions and Renovations That Increase The Value of Your Home in Sydney
When you renovate the home you are living in, you want to increase your quality of life. But you also want to keep an eye for your home’s value. It should go up at least as much as the cost of the renovation. You want to avoid poorly thought-out modifications that are unnecessary and costly. Some can even bring down the value of your home.

The 7 Biggest Opportunities For an Old Home Renovation
If your home is at least 30 years old, then it qualifies as an old home. The older a home is, the more likely you are to find issues that negatively affect its livability and safety.
This provides you a great opportunity to make substantial improvements, transforming your entire experience of life at home.
Let’s take a look.